BPQ32 Experimental Support for WinRPR

January 30, 2022

While not exactly fresh news, I do run into packet folks unaware that John G8BPQ has added an experimental driver to BPQ32 for the WinRPR soundcard modem. Yes, the swiss army knife of packet radio NOS has added yet another supported modem to an already impressive list of modem/mode options.

BPQ WinRPR driver specific documentation is here.

WinRPR supports many of the Tracker DSP hardware TNC commands, so the Tracker BPQ driver documentation here may also prove handy for a command reference. Same for the SCS Tracker manual here (PDF).

For those unfamiliar with Robust Packet, a nice intro document can be found here (PDF).

I now have some limited reports that this BPQ + WinRPR works well enough once you get past bugs and quirky behavior in the WinRPR modem. You can also hack together support for using EasyTerm with it.

Considering that the WinRPR modem was just a summertime spare time experimental project by a SCS developer (yes SCS approved), it is already impressive for incomplete alpha code. A  list of bugs and quirks have been assembled and the developer will work on them when time and company priorities allow. Given its current performance, one can imagine what this modem will be like once it matures.

For now the WinRPR modem is probably best left to light duty needs like HFP APRS and RP APRS. Maybe some BPQ32 node or client use by advanced packet node sysops with time to spare and experienced in working with experimental packet/digital modems and software.

NOTICE:  This is an experimental driver for an experimental modem still early in development. Please go back and reread the previous sentence. WinRPR is alpha code, not even beta yet. If you need things “plug-n-play” easy then this is not for you. Not trying to come off as elitist, just trying to save you some time and gray hair.

Some support is available on the BPQ32 and Robust Packet mailing lists, but ultimately you are diving into the deep end of the pool so be ready to swim there. 😉


FWIW – Personally I have not had the time to fool with WinRPR much. I’m actually more interested in the Teensy Tracker project once it hits at least beta status. For now I just have too many other higher priorities for my limited ham radio hobby time and beta testing is not one of them.



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